Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Find where the Word 2003 commands went!
Word 2003 commands

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Intrepid and Protosphere

Learning Product Providers
Intrepid Learning Solutions (appear to be competition to Impetus)

Proton Media independent Review:

Training Objective: Experiencing a virtual world as an enterprise learning and knowledge management environment.
Description: While Second Life has helped popularize virtual worlds, Proton Media is quietly experimenting with more private
3D virtual worlds. Its ProtoSphere product is an avatar‐based platform that features an impressive array of technologies to
facilitate corporate training, including B2B applications, VoIP, text chat, polling, desktop application sharing, 3D simulations and social networking.
In ProtoSphere, professionally dressed avatars that correspond to the trainees (and users) hold meetings, attend live training classes and network with colleagues in a virtual corporate environment. In addition, the system uses blogs, wikis and discussionboards to integrate the processes of workgroup collaboration, informal learning and online training. Ron Burns, CEO of ProtonMedia, highlights the example of a corporate customer facilitating IT training and mentoring using ProtoSphere. Studentsassume an avatar in 3D, he explains, and each avatar has a user profile that acts as a relevance matching system. For example, a student could indicate an interest in standards. ProtoSphere then matches co‐workers by expertise levels to specific needs.
"When a match is found," Burns adds, "learning can serendipitously occur in private 3D spaces."
Many early adopters are multinational companies that have employees in multiple time zones collaborating around the clock.
"Aside from scheduled learning activities—meetings, classes, training sessions—users have a 24x7 opportunity for informallearning," Burns adds

BUT is Protosphere capable of Virtual Instructor Led Training

Mash-up Tools (RSS Feeds and Widgets)

Look Out, Centra WiZiQ - Free Hosted Virtual Classroom platform
Turned Off by an expensive collaborative learning platform?

Free lessons created with WiZiQ:

FT and Love Money's Links to Social Networking Sites

1 Digg
2 Reddit
3 LinkedIn
4 Facebook
5 Delicious
6 Mixx
7 Propeller
8 Yahoo! Buzz
9 Stumbleupon

Love Money's links:

2. Digg
3. Facebook
4. Google Bookmarks
5. Newsvine
6. Reddit
7. StumbleUpon
8. Twitter
9. My Yahoo!

Google Apps for Education

Friday, September 25, 2009

Swinging that job

 Prepare a course to take along show what you can do!
Get registered from M ed. in Instructional Design:

Master e-Learning, Universidad de Sevilla


Primer año (280 horas)

Introducción al e-Learning

Herramientas tecnológicas para e-Learning y Web 2.0

Utilización de la Plataforma WebCT (Nivel Medio) o Utilización de la Plataforma Moodle (Nivel Medio)

Diseño de la formación y organización de contenidos en e-Learning

Usabilidad en e-Learning

Diseño gráfico para e-Learning con Adobe PhotoShop CS3

Diseño web para e-Learning con Exe-Learning

Procesos de aprendizaje en e-Learning

Entorno de las organizaciones con e-Learning

La enseñanza con TICs, Nuevas funciones de los formadores en e-Learning

Segundo año (340 horas)

Estándares para e-learning

Diseño web con Dreamweaver

Diseño de curso de E-learning con WebCT o Moodle

Evaluación de alumnos en e-learning

Diseño de evaluaciones y simulaciones para e-Learning

Estrategias didácticas para e-learning

Tutorías en e-learning

Diseño gráfico con Macromedia Flash

Juegos en e-learning: mundos virtuales

Trabajo final

Learn to Use Blackboard Quickly


Blackboard Student Guide

Blackboard for KAUST job
5,000 institutions

"You don't have to be a technology expert in order to create and share content"

Support forums and group discussions


CMS demystified

A CMS or a Content Management System is basically designed to support educative or academic courses. It allows the instructor to create a course website, where documents can be uploaded in popular formats such as word, power point, etc. without having to convert them to a web format such as HTML. This requires few specialized skills, thus making a CMS the ubiquitous choice of instructors. It also efficiently supports distance learning because of its robust discussion board application. Instructors post the essence of the course that leads students through varied learning activities, after which the instructors supervise course discussions through the discussion board.

A CMS covers the following features:

Online posting of course material

Material such as reading copies and power point slides can be made available online, apart form the schedule of the course and its syllabus.

Learner assessment

Learners can be assessed through online quizzes, tests and gradebooks.

Discussion forum

Discussions can be conducted through a discussion board, where notes are exchanged and topics discussed between formal classroom sessions.


Communication is carried through announcements to classes and other tools to communicate individually.

Allotment of lock boxes

Learners can store class assignments, class notes or presentations in individual lock boxes.

Review of statistics

The course statistics can be reviewed at will, which details information about who used the site and when.

Drawbacks of a CMS

Less flexibility

The design of the course is less flexible in a CMS. The names of the standard sections can seldom be changed or altered.

Inefficiency in providing interactive e-learning

Interactive e-learning through authoring tools such as Dreamweaver or Flash cannot be delivered through a CMS. For this purpose, instructors need to link to separately created materials, which are stored somewhere else.

Inefficiency in testing and tracking

A CMS cannot verify the identity of the students taking tests, nor can it save the test before a student transmits it to the instructor. Also, some CMSs are not capable of transferring grades from the gradebook to other progress tracking systems.


In a bid to make the CMS appeal to the corporate segment, publishers have resorted to adding complex features to it, resulting in a sharp surge in its pricing. While some universities have remained loyal to them still, others have dropped them completely.

LMS demystified

A learning management system plans, delivers and manages all the learning needs of an organization. An LMS is designed keeping an eye on the corporate learning market. It makes courses available, makes enrollments and develops its confirmation, checks learner eligibility, develops reminders of class schedules, records course completion, develops tests, communicates the completion of the course to the learner's employer and generates follow-up correspondence to the learner. It provides a platform to manage blended learning that includes conventional classroom learning and online learning. An LMS can also be used to record and assess training satisfaction. In addition, it can generate reports such as the number of students enrolling in particular courses, or aggregated records of student performance in particular courses.

The basic functions of an LMS include:

* Registration of learners

* Tracking participation in courses

* Testing

* Conducting follow-up discussions

* Transferring information to other systems including the HR and ERP

* Fee processing and fee transfer among departments

* Scheduling courses

* Managing skills

* Managing blended learning

LMS too are fraught with several drawbacks. Some of them are:


An LMS is the most expensive learning investment of organizations, with some systems ranging between several million dollars.

Rapid leapfrogs in technology

An LMS soon becomes redundant because of the upcoming technology that is included in its newer versions. Making the LMS more flexible to adapt to changing technology is the only way out. Some LMSs survive a bit longer by adding the features of learning content management systems to their present structures.

Customization problems.

Diverse learning needs of varied organizations give rise to the problems arising out of customization. A little alteration in the system to suit to your needs can always be done, but extensive customization has often done more harm than good.


Though both academic and corporate learning have gone the electronic way, an LMS and a CMS cannot replace each other because of the disparate learning activities that they support. It is necessary to understand that education is gaining long term knowledge while training is gaining knowledge for immediate application. Therefore, a CMS supports long term classroom sessions, while an LMS supports a number of short training events.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Laptop Reviews

Free e-books

(from Image Systems site)

Wikipedia needs experts

We are starting a year-long process to develop a strategic plan for the Wikimedia movement. Specifically, we are trying to understand:

Where are we now?

Where do we want to be in five years?

How do we get from here to there?

Help us find the answers to these questions. Explore them, break them down, reflect on what they mean for our vision and our values. Here are five ways you can help:

Join a task force. We are organizing task forces that will explore different topics and produce a set of recommendations related to them. Apply to participate, or form your own ad-hoc groups.

Let us know how you can help. If you are an expert in one of the subjects we are dealing with, add yourself to our expert database. This will allow task forces and other volunteers to reach you with questions, and you can respond when you have time.

Publish your ideas. Write a proposal on the strategy wiki, and help organize and improve the proposals that are already there. Post ideas on your blog, on mailing lists, and on social networks like, Twitter, and Facebook. Tag those posts with #wikimedia or link to them on the strategy wiki so that others can see them.

Host conversations about strategy. In order to develop good plans, we need broad participation. There is no way that the task forces can talk to everyone who has ideas about Wikimedia's future. This is where you can help: host your own conversations about strategy, in person or online, and publish the results on the strategy wiki. There are templates and tools for hosting strategy sessions on the strategy wiki.

Talk to us. Give feedback to the strategy team. Tell us your ideas, your hopes, your fears, your goals for the projects. Add feedback to the strategy wiki, or send an email to

Peer-to-peer support community for media production proferssionals

Visual Communicator (Serious Magic and Adobe)

(composite lab pro)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Videos of how to do stuff - Howcast Categories

IT Infrastructure Library and IT Service Management Best Practices

The Art of Service's ITIL Foundation IT Service Management Best Practices Online is a Web-based training course for certification in ITSM best practices.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Find that Excel Sheet! (Overview of my blogs, Edubloggers Directory and

Overview of my Blogs and Member Directory Edubloggers

Blog Glossary (cutting through the blargon)

Blargon Buster

Weblog- An online dated diary listing your periodic thoughts on a specific topic, often in reverse chronological order.
Blog – short form for weblog
Blogging - the act of posting on blogs
Blogger - a person who blogs
Blogosphere - The internet blogging community
Photoblogging - a blog predominantly using and focusing on photographs and images. Photoblogs are created by photobloggers
Podcasting - a method of distributing multimedia files (audio / videos) online using feeds for playback on mobile devices and personal computers. Podcasts are created by podcasters.
Autocasting - is an automated form of podcasting
Blogcasting - the blog and the podcast merged into a single website.
Vlogging - Also called video blogging. Shortened to vlog. Posted by vlogger. A variant on the blogging using video instead of text.
Audioblogging - Also called audioblog, MP3 blog or musicblogs. a variant on the blogging using audio instead of text. Created by audioblogger.
Moblogging - Also called moblogs. A blog posted and maintained via mobile phone. Moblogs are created by mobloggers.
Index page – the front page fo the blog
Header - the topmost part of the blog usually listing the blog title.
Footer - the most bottom part of the blog usually listing navigation and copyright statements
Sidebar - One or more columns along one or both sides of most blogs main page
Categories - A collection of topic specific posts
Post, Entry- individual articles that make up a blog
Comments - enabling readers to leave their remarks
Captcha - short for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”. Those word and letter verification images you need to type in to show you are human and not a bot. Helful to block automated spam comments. more
Ping – Short for Packet Internet Grouper. Blog and ping helps to notify other blog tracking tools for updates, changes and trackbacks.
Trackback - A system by which a ping is sent to another blog to notify that their article has been mentioned by you
Pingback - See trackback.
Permalink - A link to a specific article
Tags - labelling / attaching keywords to collect similar posts
Tag cloud – Displaying tags lists or keywords in a blog.
Blogroll - list of links to other blogs in your sidebar. Also see
Sideblog - A smaller blog usually placed in the sidebar of a blog.
Template - the blog presentation design
BlogThis - a function allows a blogger to blog the entry they a reading
Plugins - Small files that add improved functionality and new features. Wordpress plugins can greatly improve your blog usage and interactivity
Dashboard - When you login to your blogging account, it is the first screen with all controls, tools and functions.
Archives – a collection of all your posts on one page. Can be categorized by month etc.
Expandable post summaries – show a small teaser part of the post on the index page that link to the full post. more
Jump – the continuation of a the story on another page to preserve space on index page.
FTP - short for file transfer protocol. Transferring file to and fro from your web host using FTP tools like Filezilla
Web Feed – allows online users to subscribe to websites that change or add content regularly.
RSS - a family of web feed formats used for Web syndication. Short form for Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0), Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91, RSS 1.0), RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0). Wordpress generates RSS 2.0
XML - short for eXtensible Markup Language. a general-purpose markup language for syndication formats used on blogs.
RDF - short for Resource Description Framework. A web content syndication format.
Atom - another specific web feed format. Blogger feeds are usually of this type.
OPML – short for Outline Processor Markup Language. It is an XML format for outlines. Easily import and export multiple blog subscriptions between different rss aggregators.
Photofeed- a web feed with image enclosures.
Blogger - a free blogging platform by Google.
Blogspot - free Blogger hosting blog at
LiveJournal - free blogging tool by SixApart
Movable Type – paid blogging tool by SixApart
Typepad - paid blogging tool by SixApart Free. Easy to Upload, customize and upgrade. – A Wordpress blog hosted free for you.
Radio Userland – another blog publishing software package
Group blog- with multiple contributing bloggers.
Event blog – focussed on an event
Kittyblogger – writing about cats.
Celeblog – focused on a celebrity.
Celebriblog – maintained by a celebrity.
Clog Blog – written in Dutch and/or in Holland.
CEOBlog – run by a chief executive officer.
Plog - a project blog. Also for personalised weblogs
Movlogs - mobile video blogs.
Splog- a spam blog
Tech blog – focused on a technical subject.
Anonoblog – by an anonymous blogger
Linguablog - about linguistics, translation etc.
Metablog – a blog about blogging.
Milblog - a military blog.
Blawg – blogged by lawyer / related to legal stuff
Edu-blog – education oriented blog.
Progblog - A progressive blog.
Shocklog - provokes discussion by posting shocking content
Klog - used by company knowledge workers. by Kloggers
Blogsite - A web site that combines blog feeds from a number of different sources
Dark Blog- A non-public blog
Photocast- a photoblog that automatically updates when new photos are added.
Metablogging - writing articles about blogging
Blogstipation - writer’s block for bloggers. Cant think of what to blog about?
Blogathy - I do not want to post today and I do not care about it
Blogopotamus - A long long blog post
Blogorrhea - unusually high output of articles
Bleg - To use one’s blog to beg for assistance etc.
Hitnosis - Refreshing your browser repeatedly to see if your hit counter or comments have increased
GAD - Google Adsense Disorder. Repeatedly checking your adsense earnings. more
Blego - Blog+Ego. Measuring blogger worth
Blog hopping – jumping from one blog to another
Blogroach - A commenter who rudely disagrees with posted content
Blogoholic - addicted to blogging
Blogorific = blogtastic – something which a blogger says is terrific
Blogsit - maintaining a blog while the primary blogger is on leave
Blogvertising - Also called blogvert. Advertising on a blog.
Blurker - a blog reader not posting comments, just lurking around quietly.
Blogathon - update your website every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. Maybe collect sponsorships. more
Blogiversary - your blog birthday
Blog Carnival – Links to other articles covering a specific topic.
Multiblog - running multiple blogs
Blog Tipping – Compliment 3 blogs on day 1 of every month. more
Blogger bash - a blogger party
Commenter - someone who leaves remarks / comments
Reciprocal Links - called link love. You link to my blog, I link to yours. To improve search engine rankings.
Linkbaiting - a habit of writing good content with the sole purpose of getting it linked from multiple sites.
Blogstorm – a large amount of blogosphere activity due to particular controversy. Also called Blog Swarm.
Blogsnob – refusing to respond to blog comments from “not-friends”.
Doppelblogger – plagiarize the content of another blogger. To Doppelblog.
Blogophobia – Fear of blogs and blogging.
Bloggerel – the same opinion posted repeatedly on a blog
Problogger - professional blogger
Blognoscenti - especially knowledgable bloggers
Blogebrity - a famous blogger.
Blogerati - the blogosphere intelligentsia.
Commentariat - The community of those leaving comments.
Dooced - lost a job because of blog entries. To Dooce.
Blogther - a fellow blogger.
A-List- the top bloggers who influence the blogosphere.
Blogstar- blogger running a popular blog
Bloggies- Annual blogging awards. more
MSM - Mainstream Media, or old media like newspapers etc.
BSM - Blogstream media. from most heavily trafficked blogs.
Blog Day – 31 August. Find 5 new Blogs that you find interesting and tell them. more
Blaudience - your blog audience.
Blargon - Also called Blogssary. Blogging slang and glossary. What I am telling you now.
Blogiversary - your blog birthday
Blogiverse – see blogosphere
XFN – short for XHTML Friends Network. Is a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks.
Blogonomics - blogging conference on a Blog Cruise in 2006. more
EFF - short for Electronic Frontier Foundation. A nonprofit group working to protect blogger rights.
Blog of Note – a recommended blog. more
Navbar - a navigation bar usually seen on top of Blogger blogspot hosted blogs. more
Blook - a book created from a blog. more
Hat Tip- acknowledgement of the source that tipped you the news.
Spomments- Spam comments
Blammer- Blog spammer
SOB- acronym for Successful and Outstanding Blogger. From
Blogiday- you get fed up and take a holiday from blogging
Bloglines, Rojo, Newsgator, Kinja, – are News Aggregators that display content from syndicated Web content from web feed. Can be configured online or downloaded on your desktop. Like . Also called RSS readers, feed readers, feed aggregators or news readers
Pageflakes, Newsvine – Track multiple feeds on a single page by modules.
Odeo, Podnova – are Podcatchers, a form of aggregator used to automatically download podcasts and can sometimes transfer a portable media player. Like
Feedburner - a professional feed management system
Pingomatic, Pingoat – ping multiple blog tracking services. More
Feedblitz, Zokooda – Email subscriptions and newletter tools.
Technorati – a real-time search engine that keeps track of what is going on in the blogosphere
b5media, 9rules – examples of popular blogging networks. Collection of blogs and bloggers providing great content, with revenue sharing sometimes.
K2, Blix – names of some popular wordpress themes.
Blogexplosion, Blogclicker- popular blog traffic generation / exchange services.
Adsense, Adbrite, CJ, Chitka, Blogads – popular affiliate programs to generate money from your blogs.
Sphere, Icerocket – blog search engines
Live Bookmarks – a firefox web browser feature. Update themselves automatically with the latest content from the Web.
Creative Commons – licenses provide a flexible range of protections and freedoms for authors to offer a voluntary “some rights reserved” approach.
CoComment - Tracks your comments across different platforms and follow conversations
WBloggar, Ecto, Qumanna – desktop blog publishing tools
Mint, Mybloglog, Measuremap, Analytics – site traffic tracking tools.
Haloscan- free trackback service
YouTube, Rapidshare- puts video on your blog
Flickr, Imageshack - photo sharing service. Host images on your blog, furl, spurl – share social bookmarks.
Blogburst - Syndicating your feed to top publishers.
Bloggeropoly - professional blogger recruiting agency. more
Blogger code – a way to describe different types of bloggers. more
Bloggoggle - Directory of Blogging Professionals
BlogHer - where the women bloggers are. At
Digged - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog
Slashdotted - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog. more
Instalanche - link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog
Farked – link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog
Boing Boinged – link posted on driving huge traffic to your blog
Ajax - acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. creates interactive web applications.
Greasemonkey - a firefox web browser extension that can alter the functionality of any website using specific scripts.
Wiki - a collaborative on-line software that allows readers to add and edit content.
SEO - search engine optimization. To improve your search engine rankings.
Page Rank – Google measures of importance of a page which reflects in its rankings.
CMS – short for Content management system. software used to publish and manage websites.

Building Online Communities with WordPress

Alternatives to Wordpress:

Wordpress itself is split into two, since you mentioned it. There's, where you can download the splendid open source blogging tool that's preferred by many of my colleagues, and there's, which is their free hosted blog service. I used to be fairly enthused about the latter, but since it's come to light that they enforce their no-commercial-content terms of service in a rather scattershot manner (see Is Wordpress the Blog Police? for an explanation), I no longer recommend that you use this service for your blog, nor any similar service. After all, how painful would it be for you to try and log in to your blog just to find it's "Shut down due to violations of our service terms. Good bye."

But not to throw out the baby with the bathwater, Wordpress the downloadable blogging software package is really a strong contender for any blogging effort, whether you want to become a movie reviewer or whether you're a Fortune-50 company ready to take the plunge.

Nonetheless, what I recommend are the blogging tools from, notably TypePad, their not-free-but-darn-inexpensive hosted blog service, and Movable Type, their commercial grade blog package that I use here for AskDaveTaylor, among many other sites.

I hope that helps you find clarity between these different tools and start out with the platform and service that best matches your own needs and goals in the blogosphere.

Edublogs ( Currently powering 367,146 blogs) – Providing Free Blogs to Educators and Students ( Lorelle VanFossen ) was one of the first style blogs based upon the multi-user blogging program, WordPressMU. Recently, it was announced that now has almost 17,000 bloggers signed on, an amazing number

Edublogs is a free blogging service for teachers, researchers, librarians and other educational professionals. It creates an interesting blogging community, all blogging about educational issues, topics, news, information, resources, and more.

They have expanded their free blogging service to include narrower categories of education-related bloggers. They offer learnerblogs for school students, for university and college students, and eslblogs for those involved in teaching English as a second language and English as a foreign language.

Bloglines Top 100 RSS Feeds

Bloglines top RSS feeds

To see extra feeds that I have signed up to:

Cog Learn -Are templates available?

Cog-Learn: An e-Learning Pattern Language for Web-based Learning Design

UK Association of Science Education

Free LMS from Twitter ( )

Edu2.0 is a free, web-hosted learning management system that allows anyone to create an online school in minutes. It's easy to use, comprehensive, and can be accessed from any web browser.

More from Northfield Community School:--
■As of September 2006, 38 states have state-led online learning programs, significant policies enabling online education, or both, with an estimated growth of 25% annually.

■In 2002-2003, there were 328,000 distance education enrollments in K-12 public schools (US Department of Education National Center of Education Statistics).

■The Peak Group estimated 2005 online enrollments of 500,000, and projects 1 million online enrollments in 2006.

■There are 147 virtual charter schools with more than 65,000 students in 18 states.

■72% of school districts with distance education programs planned to expand their online offerings.

■In April 2006, Michigan became first state to require online learning for high school graduation.

1001 Inventions

1001 Inventions is a groundbreaking global educational initiative exploring the Muslim contributions to building the foundations of Modern Civilisation

For reviews:
Amazon Reviews

Talking figure in webpage

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Embed Video in Your Site

Both Video Google and Youtube allow you to get embedding code.  VideoGoogle allows you to get a player (?) and download videos.

Ichnet:- The Architecture Resource Center and Clearing House

The Mission of the ICH is to promote mechanisms for assuring the successful implementation of enterprise technology solutions.

Our Vision is to contribute to society by enabling and encouraging

Adaptive, architecture-independent solutions to common IT challenges (including enterprise integration, knowledge management, and infrastructure security)

Greater IT success rates through improved alignment, management of complexity and change, and communications between buyers and suppliers of solution components

Our Guiding Principles are

Transparency in motives and influences

Sharing of infrastructure knowledge for the common good

Trustworthy, accurate, and timely contextualized information

Our Goals include the creation of measurable improvements in the IT capabilities of member organizations:

Better alignment of architectures and components with key business drivers

Better understanding of critical issues and solutions (including interoperability and security)

Better intra- and inter-organizational collaboration for solving common problems and increasing competencies in critical technical areas

Better leverage and reuse of lessons and innovations

The ICH Value Proposition

We serve members and the general public by helping to advance the capability and integrity of information and communication infrastructures by

Offering research, products, and services for improving the consistency and efficacy of technical systems toward enterprise ends

Providing a venue for sharing critical knowledge about technologies, standards, models, processes, strategies, criteria, and sources (including requirements identification and mapping approaches, engineering practices, architectural alternatives, component interoperabilities, proven solutions to common problems, risk mitigations, success factors, and so on)

Managing a shared knowledge base of vetted information about commercial and government off-the-shelf technologies (including functions, features, standards compliance, and implementation successes)

Fostering understanding, consensus, and active cooperation among industry, government, and academia in defining conditions, opportunities, and threats and in advancing infrastructure capability and security

Promoting demand for such advancement by increasing awareness through public relations programs and interactions with technology and user communities

Anticipating the need for further advancements by actively monitoring changing business, technological, and security conditions

Has a good glossary:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Promethean Planet

user name: fulandetal

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Wall Street Journal: uses s...z awaiting confirmation e-mail

Cloud Computing

How can I get my logons and freebies excel sheet into cyberspace?