Saturday, December 12, 2009

Description of How SCORM works

Got here by googling: free "SCORM content package"

(eCampus is an Australian LMS:  the website has various free resources")

The Shareable Content Object Reference Model, or 'SCORM', is a way of organising data for e-learning. It's an open standard maintained by the Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative ('ADL'). Being a popular open standard, many institutions use it, in the same way they use .pdf documents, spreadsheets and .jpg images.

I suppose the first question you might ask is: why have a standard for e-learning at all?

An LMS will need to know how to present things such as pdfs, web pages, video, and other resources as courses. This is where SCORM comes in. It is a standard format that tells the LMS how to present a set of resources as a course or several courses.

Now let's say you create a course in one LMS, and then realise you want to run the same course on a different LMS, at a different institution, on a different remote server.

If both LMSs supports the SCORM standard, that means your course can be transferred from the first LMS to the second LMS with minimal fuss. Further, most good content development systems produce resources that meets the SCORM standard, so content created using them can be added to any SCORM course. More than that, if two courses had, say, videos or web pages in common, then those courses could share those resources.

How does it work?

The e-learning 'resources' (usually files such as web pages, pdfs, videos, audio or images) are placed in a folder or directory. The resources are then described in a SCORM 'XML manifest file' called 'imsmanifest.xml'.

This file tells an LMS what to do with all the content, how to present it, how the course is organised and so on. Then all these files, along with any necessary schema files (.xsd and .dtd files that are used to 'validate' the manifest file) are packaged into a 'zip' archive. This archive is called a SCORM 'content package'.

If this sounds a little complicated, don't worry. There is software for automatically generating these content packages, and they will be able to do most of the technical work for you; leaving you to concentrate on the actual course content and organisation.


As I said, most resources are web pages, images, style sheets, pdf documents, videos, and so on. Files used to present a course, in other words. In SCORM terms, these are called 'assets' or 'resources'.

Resources are defined in the manifest file, along with the other files they depend on. A web page resource might contain references to image resources, for example.

Resource urls are relative to the location of the manifest file. Metadata (information such as names and descriptions) can be added concerning elements of a content package, so you could name a resource; a web page might be named 'Introduction to SCORM', for instance.

Resources can also be classified as 'launchable'. Launchable resources present course content to a student (usually in a browser), calling on other resources to complete the presentation. A classic example would be a simple html web page that makes use of images, movies, and so on.